We have reviewed our access arrangements for patients who are deaf or have hearing loss and have updated the support available to them. Please help us to support your patient journey by adhering to the guidance below:
- Download the ‘VRS’ app (Video relay system) which allows patients to access interpreters (BSL/ISL) for GP and Multidisciplinary teams appointments https://signvideo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/What-do-I-need.mp4 https://www.signvideo.co.uk/download https://vimeo.com/714399513
- Contact the surgery via e-mail – admin.z00604@gp.hscni.net to request a routine appointment ONLY, order acute prescriptions, request results and any queries
- Sign up to patient access to order repeat medication and to book smear appointment
- If you are registering with the practice please let us know what kind of communication support you require
- If you are already registered and your hearing loss has changed or if you want to inform us of your hearing loss please complete the following form
Hearing Impaired Form
We will support your patient journey by ensuring all clinical and admin staff have received deaf awareness training from BDA and clinical staff will meet you in the waiting room whilst displaying your name on the jayex board to alert you to attend a clinical room (not call out your name)
Please click on the links below for more help and information:
Sensory Services | Western Health & Social Care Trust (hscni.net)